Most fitness buffs know that a massage after working out can get you back on your feet faster, but this therapy provides much more than just an hour of relaxation. In order to really appreciate the benefits of a deep tissue massage, you must first understand the scientific processes at work behind your speedy recovery. These are four ways that a deep tissue massage stimulates your muscles, minimizes the damage of exercise and promotes a quicker healing process.
Increasing Nutrient and Oxygen Absorption
Tense, tired muscles block your circulation, denying your muscles the oxygen and nutrients they need and slowing down your recovery. A deep tissue masseuse uses long, sweeping strokes to drive blood to your muscles. The vital oxygen and
Eliminating Scar Tissue
Scar tissue develops wherever muscles do not heal properly, and it can eventually impair your range of motion and muscular growth. Although scar tissue may be permanent if left untreated, deep tissue massage therapy can work to break up that tissue and encourage correct healing. Getting a massage after working out can not only prevent the development of new scar tissue, but it can simultaneously destroy scar tissue that is already present.
Reducing Inflammation
A study conducted by the Buck Institute for Research on Aging examined the impact of massage therapy
Improving Cellular Energy Production
The Buck Institute for Research on Aging study also found that athletes who were given massages after exercising had higher mitochondrial levels in their muscle cells than those who were not massaged. Mitochondria are responsible for creating the energy that muscles use to grow, repair themselves and function. This is demonstrable evidence that massage therapy is more than just a way to relieve pain; it is also an invaluable tool to help you safely reach your fitness goals in a shorter time frame. To find more information, speak with a business like Changes of Cherry Creek/ Denver's Day Spa.
While it's true that aging and illness used to go in hand, today's medical advancements now mean we don't have to settle for that eventuality anymore. I'm already considering the aging process although I'm still middle aged because I intend to enjoy my later years with the best health possible. Living well and aging gracefully aren't just about maintaining your appearance, but also feeling as good as you can as you get older. I'm sharing what I discover in my personal quest with everyone here on this convenient website so we can all join together to cross into the golden years with our health intact.